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June 2020
Follow the Rainbow of Love to the Haus of Jane 6/17/20
We're celebrating the month of pride with our Rainbow Warriors at the Haus of Jane. Speed networking, live music, and more.
Find out more »July 2020
Speed Networking at the Virtual Haus of Jane
Let's Get Together, Yeah Yeah Yeah We built the Haus of Jane during MJ Biz Con back in December with Women Empowered in Cannabis (WEiC) and Tokeativity. We are building strength in numbers by merging our organizations to support women all over the world from diverse backgrounds and interests in finding greater empowerment, collective influence, and a fortified voice because we are #BetterTogether. This Wednesday, we have our LAST SCHEDULED SPEED NETWORKING EVENT at the virtual Haus of Jane. Grab…
Find out more »August 2020
Heart Toast with Teaghan and Courtney – A Summer Self-Care Event
Summer Self Care Event with Pole Dancing, Facial Yoga, and Plant Medicine Skincare Tips Join Teaghan Marconi and Courtney Aura Freeman, two enterprising and creative female founders for some summer self-care. Teaghan and Courtney have joined forces for a collaboration of art and function. Meet the founders and learn about the "Heart Toast" art collaboration during this online event. MEET TEAGHAN AND COURTNEY Teaghan Marconi is the woman behind Shaked & Baked Pole Dance Studio and Events in Calgary…
Find out more »Haus of Jane Fall Speed Networking Series 8/12
Join The Haus of Jane for our Fall Speed Networking series. We're launching the Fall Speed Networking series. This is a great way to connect with other women in plant medicine either through the online speed networking option or through the Sesh room where you can consume safely from your private space. We'll have valuable speakers and lot's of fun, so register today. Register for 8/12/20 Now > Speakers: Dr. Amanda Reiman - Founder, Personal Plants MsKindness B.…
Find out more »September 2020
Haus of Jane • Speed Networking for September
Join The Haus of Jane for our Fall Speed Networking series. The Fall Speed Networking series is here. This is a great way to connect with other women in plant medicine either through the online speed networking option or through the Sesh room where you can consume safely from your private space. We'll have valuable speakers and lot's of fun, so register today. Register for 9/9/20 Now > Speakers: Stormy Simon Mskindness B. Ramirez - Founder, Club Kindness…
Find out more »Women in Plant Medicine Summit – Haus of Jane
Haus of Jane women's online event with speakers, plant medicine, and more.
Find out more »October 2020
Haus of Jane Speed Networking for October
Join us for Haus of Jane Speed Networking for the women of cannabis, hemp, CBD and psychadelic studies online.
Find out more »November 2020
Haus of Jane Speed Networking for November
Speed networking with the female leadership of plant medicine - cannabis, hemp, CBD, psychadelic studies.
Find out more »Industry Leaders Discuss Cannabiz for 2021
2020 Election Results • Industry Leaders Discuss Cannabiz
Find out more »December 2020
Haus of Jane Holiday Party for December
These are the female leaders in plant medicine. Join the movement of women working in cannabis, hemp, CBD and pshycadelic studies at the Haus of Jane online.
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